

  THE DISTANCE TO THE ANDROMEDA GALAXY (7/20/21) 9:09 AM (7/20/21): "The Andromeda Galaxy is located about 2.53 million lightyears away from Earth, and is the largest 'major' galaxy... in our proximity... Given that there are approximately '5.87' trillion miles in a lightyear (the distance one travels, if moving at the speed of light for a year - 186,000 miles/second)... that implies there are 14,914,073,000,000,000,000 miles (14.9 'quintillion miles').... in between Earth, and that galaxy..." - Michael Izuchukwu 9:25 AM (7/20/21): "By contrast, the moon is 238,900 miles away from Earth ('on average')... That implies that the Andromeda galaxy, is 62,428,100,000,000 (62.4 trillion) times further from the Earth... than the moon..." - Michael Izuchukwu   Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man, is possible… with God…” – Luke 18:27 Gravitas: NASA discovers first planet outside Milky Way Galaxy - YouTube     GOD'